Karin Carter Art
Book Cover Painting - Apple with Shadow
Book Cover Painting - Apple with Shadow
The apple and its shadow are painted on canvas and attached to the book cover, which has a painted area on top of the cloth book binding.
It's a real book cover, with real wear and tear from its previous life. All books were headed for the trash and I couldn't let the covers go to waste. I mostly use these inside my bookshelves so they have nothing on the back. You can hang them on the wall if you attach sticky strips, velcro, or other hanging hardware that you could glue/epoxy on the back. The book covers may bend over time if they are leaning against something, especially if you live in a damp climate. They'll flatten out again if you lay them flat underneath a heavy book.
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Measures 5.5 inches wide, 8.25 inches high, and is 1/16th of an inch thick